Mr Alter Ego

Abstruse, Absurd and Snobbish........


Ezule Juan Dominic


Wordle: me


>> Monday, August 10, 2009

been thinking..what do i really want in life...what do i need to satisfy myself..i have been thru a lot this past few has taught me alot of things..while sitting down by my bedroom window..i saw this fly trying to pass thru the has been trying to pass thru it for a few times until i just died caused by the impact of it hitting the window panel..for u guys out may seem to be just that..but it made me think...

it resembles human being..trying to do things following the wrong direction...different path..manusia ni kadang2 melakukan sesuatu tu dengan jalan yg mudah bagi mereka..tetapi tidak sedar akan impact yg akan mereka terima after that...selalu degil dan keras kepala..

i've encountered a situation where if u know how to suckup u stay ontop and survive..while others who just mind their own business just stay down and dont move at all..and why do certain people need to be praise first. mau kana puji dulu, pas tu kambang, then apa yg tani mau semua dapat pas that fair? or thats the trend that we have to face to now..kesian tah org yg nda pandai mengampu tu..satu lagi penyakit manusia zaman ani is durang ni suka jadi backstabber and talam dua muka..dapan manis,bukan main lagi baik..tapi lepas tu menjaja cerita kita kat orang lain..dengan harapan semua akan suka kat diorang sebab mereka selalu ada cerita panas..selalu ada info terkini..but thinking deeply on akan percaya kan tu lagi arahnya..kalau sudah cerita org lain di jajanya..apa lagi cerita tani kan...huhuhu...tu lah dunia sekarang ani...its more of a survival...apa2 pun this is just my opinion..everyone is free to express they taughts kan...till then..bye peeps...


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